CUSH’s Board of Directors sets the vision for the organization and ensures there are adequate resources to carry out the mission. Guests are always welcome to attend CUSH Board of Directors monthly meetings. Please contact us at, if you would like to do so.

With the pandemic, we sometimes meet in person at Beth Hillel Temple and sometimes via zoom.  Most meetings are the 4th Thursday of the Month at 6:30pm. 

CUSH Executive Committee

Rev. Dr. Monica L. CummingsPresident
Rabbi Dena FeingoldPast President
Sharon CorsoTreasurer
Mary Kay SchleiterSecretary

CUSH Staff

Serena RichardsonTask Force Organizer

CUSH Board of Directors

Dick Christiansen
Immanuel United Methodist Church
Sharon CorsoTreasurer
St. Mary’s Lutheran Church
Rev. Dr. Monica L. CummingsPresident
Bradford Community Church Unitarian Universalist
Rabbi Dena FeingoldPast President
Beth Hillel Temple
Rev. Kathleen GloffLeader of the Religious Leaders Caucus
Somers Community United Church of Christ​
Mary JonkerBradford Community Church Unitarian Universalist
Rich Mich
Cal Miller
Spirit Alive! Lutheran Church
Mary Kay SchleiterSecretary
Beth Hillel Temple

Make things happen!

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Make things happen!

Would you like to get involved with CUSH, learn more about us, or find out how you can help fund our work?